Veliko besed (lastnih in predvsem tistih iz drugih ust) je izgledalo tako resničnih,
da so zgodbe postale otipljive in sem jih vohal še preden so se zgodile.
Ljudi (ne vseh) in življenje sem naravnost oboževal.
Večina zgodb se ni zgodila, utapljal sem se v solzah.
Ljudi (ne vseh) in življenje sem naravnost sovražil. Sebe še bolj.
Ker jokati več ne znam, je čas za nove zgodbe.
Tiste moje. Na tem planetu.
Many words (both, mine and from other people) seemed so real that I could feel the stories and smell them even before they happened.
I simply adored people (not all) and life.
Most stories never happened and I was drowning in tears.
I started hating people (not all) and life. And myself even more.
Because I can no longer cry, the time has come for new stories.
My stories. On this planet.
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