Misli se uresničujejo in to mi je še vedno neverjetno.
Ne le, da se je Jason2 javil in mi čara lepe trenutke.
Skorajda popolnoma sem se prenehal upirat, presojat in biti navezan;
to pa vem, je pot do popolne svobode ...
Po štirinajstih dnevih sem zapustil
in se za teden dni preselil k prijateljem na novo lokacijo.
Life is full of surprises.
Thoughts are becoming reall and that is still unbelievable for me.
Not only that Jason2 is signed up, he's "hokuspokus" happy moments for me.
I have almost completely ceased to resist, to be assessed and attached;
I know this is the way to complete freedom ...
I know this is the way to complete freedom ...
After fourteen days I had left the unbeliveable SEE THE VIDEO
For a week I moved to a new location of my friends.
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