My desire to understand life or the purpose of existence is still there.
My inner peace is still a riddle to me, but ... I am going in the right direction. That much I know.
The difficult moments of this summer are history.
Working at Grajska plaža was more or less fun,
Working at Grajska plaža was more or less fun,
I had many pleasant conversations with people from all around the world.
Choices that come from the heart are the best ones - this is how I find myself on Sri Lanka
for the next six months.
All I knew before I left was that I was doing the right thing by going.
Fear is just a voice we listen to, empty on the inside.
I saw how true that was on my first day here, even though it was hard to beat ...
Želja razumeti življenje ali namena obstoja je še vedno prisotna.
Notranji mir je še uganka, a ... se premikam v smeri le tega. To vem.
veliko je bilo prijetnih debat z ljudmi od vsepovsod.
Srčne izbire so najboljše; le ta me je za pol leta pripeljala na Šri Lanko.
Pred odhodom je bilo vse, kar sem vedel: prav je, da grem.
Strah je “od znotraj je volet, od zunaj ga ni”.
Prvi dan dobivam potrditev, da je temu res tako, čeprav ga je bilo težko premagati ...
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